Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Alison Lewis has launched - as we would say here in Ireland - "a lovely" website... No seriously it is brilliant.
SWITCH is an online Do It Yourself show where she and her friends focus on teaching young women about electronics through fashion and design. I'm usually not very enthusiastic about "girls only" project. But it is true, there's a real work of education to do in that direction... Technology for boys and Hairbrush for girls? I don't think so!
Check out the first episode: Alison and Diana Eng create a talking frame (using "ingredients such as nail polish and a dental floss container and teaching girls to drill, extend and strip wires.)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Dumpster

By Golan Levin with Kamal Nigam and Jonathan Feinberg

The Dumpster, launched on Valentine's Day 2006, is the first in a series of three works co-commissioned in collaboration with Tate Online.

The Dumpster is an interactive online visualization that attempts to depict a slice through the romantic lives of American teenagers. Using real postings extracted from millions of online blogs, visitors to the project can surf through tens of thousands of specific romantic relationships in which one person has "dumped" another. The project's graphical tools reveal the astonishing similarities, unique differences, and underlying patterns of these failed relationships, providing both peculiarly analytic and sympathetically intimate perspectives onto the diversity of global romantic pain.