On Danfe

I had the chance to see 'On Danfe' last week at the International Dance Festival Ireland. 'On Danfe' is a dance performance from duo José Montalvo and Dominique Hervieu.It is an enchantment to see: seventeen beautiful and talented dancers, extravagant baroque music of Jean-Philippe Rameau, magical video projection. It is the beautiful expression of mixing culture: all styles of dance from break-dance, to ballet; from African to belly-dancing; from contemporary to jazz
'On Danfe', a fantastical exploration of the libertine philosophies of the eighteenth century, is a piece of jubilant excess. Expertly juxtaposing magical video imagery with playful, unfettered dancing, it brilliantly transports the audience to a dream-like surreal world. A rich and beautiful mosaic of dance, image and music that gallops onto the stage at a breathless pace and stays sparkling in the imagination a long time after. If you've ever wondered where the feel-good factor in dance resides, look no further.